Game started from level 1
Common problems
Wrong server
If you logged into the account of the first level, please make sure you are on the correct server. Our games can have up to three servers. We recommend that you switch between all the available ones:
1. Open your Settings menu here
1a. You can also access the “Switch server” menu by clicking on the server title in the top panel
2. Select the necessary server and click OK
Wrong account
It may happen that you logged into a different profile. Double-check if you are using the correct email.
You have different login options, including Facebook and Google+. Please use the one which is connected to your account. For example, if you try to log in via the Facebook option, but your account is not connected to Facebook, the game will create a new account for you.
Our games can have up to three servers. We recommend that you switch between all the available ones:
1. Open your Settings menu here
1a. You can also access the “Switch server” menu by clicking on the server title in the top panel
2. Select the necessary server and click OK