How can I find my missing troops?


Quick guide how to locate your troops

  • City
    Use filters on the upper panel to separate your Units from the reinforcements of the allies.

  • Acropolis
    Troops will go right into the Acropolis automatically in the following cases:
    - you activated Auto Unit Hider;
    - they return from the Emporium after its depletion;
    - the City you attacked changed its location.

  • Protectorates
    Look over the squads stationed at the besieged Cities and captured Emporia.

  • Garrisons
    Review the troops stationed as reinforcement at Pantheons, Coalition Capitals, and Cities.

  • Tracking
    Revise the troops en route to a target or back to your City.

  • Warfare reports
    Check out warfare reports. Your Units could be killed in battles.


The number of the stored battle reports is limited. New battle reports replace the old ones if the limit is reached. You get much more warfare reports when your Coalition participates in multiple battles on Pantheons or Coalition Capital. Some of these reports will be replaced with the new ones before you manage to read them. Try checking all available reports at the earliest possible moment.


Bonus troops for events and quests
Units which you get as a reward for completion of Quests, Tournaments, personal or Coalition achievements are added directly into the Acropolis.


Bonus troops from the Persian Positions
Units which you get as a reward will marsh to your City together with the main battle squad returning from the Persian Position.


The force of my army in the Embassy Statistics has recently decreased
It does not always mean that some of your troops were destroyed when you check the Embassy Statistics and notice that Defensive or Offensive force of your troops has decreased.

How it works:

  • Embassy Statistics get updated once per 3 hours.
  • All Defence and Offence bonuses for the battle characteristics of your units, except for bonus from the Champion troops, are counted toward the Statistics tab in the Embassy. The bonus from the Champion troops is applied right at the moment when the battle occurs.
  • It compares the current total Offence and Defence power of your Units with the total power of your Units at the time of your latest activity last week. This type of Statistics is maintained within 7 days: from Sunday 00:00 UTC till Sunday 00:00 UTC.

Let's say, at the latest login time last Sunday, you had Units worth 1 million of Offensive points in total. What you will see in the Coalition Statistics is the result of comparison of your current Unit power with its value on the previous week.


The value of your Defence and Offence stats can decrease because some bonuses deactivated:

  • You have extracted Elixirs from the Cache in the Sanctum of Asclepius.
  • You have swapped or removed some General's Equipment Items.
  • Action time of the Defense and Offense Enhancer has expired.
  • Action time of the Dominion Status has deactivated.
  • Action time of the Phylarch has expired.

E.g., if you had an active Dominion Status at the time of the last action in the last week, but now is already expired, you can see that the total power of your troops decreased even though you had not engaged in any Battle.

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